Meat Bingo at Hollerbach's benefiting Rescue Outreach Mission

Date and Time
Tuesday May 14, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, May 14
6 pm - 8 pm
Hollerbach's German Restaurant
205 E 1st Street
Sanford, FL 32713
Free Admission
Bingo Card sets cost $5 each
Contact Information
Lara Jackson
Send Email
Meat Bingo at Hollerbach's benefiting...
Join us for a good time for a great cause! Tuesday, May 14th, all the proceeds from Meat Bingo at Hollerbach's Willow Tree Cafe in Sanford will benefit our neighbors experiencing homelessness in Seminole County at Rescue Outreach Mission.
$5 buys a set of cards to cover you for the night